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We offer field trips, a one-day hands-on experience, or longer programs if desired.

Our program exposes students and their teachers to aviation-related careers by offering a virtual flying experience during both evening and weekend classes (as well as school day field trips, if requested) taught by both pilots, flight instructors and airplane mechanics

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Aerodynamics and Airspace

We explain how a wing generates lift, how the primary control surfaces (ailerons, elevators, and rudder) affect the airplane's attitude, and how a propeller produces thrust. We describe the national airspace, airport operations, aircraft maintenance, and routine flight operations. We review flight planning procedures and how pilots assess the weather and make go/no-go decisions.

Career Opportunities

Myriad employment opportunities are available in aviation careers that include pilots, airplane and jet mechanics, avionics technicians, airport managers, air traffic controllers, meteorologists, and drone pilots, to name just a few. Career opportunities exist today in aviation with both high demand and excellent compensation

Airport Experience

Come to the Penn Valley Airport to learn about general aviation and the many benefits it provides to our community. Observe airport activities and procedures and talk with both pilots and airport employees. Meet the airport manager and the line service personnel who coordinate complex flight operations every day.

Recent and Upcoming Events

Check out our past events

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